Why does my hair take so long to dry

Porosity, or a hair’s capacity to absorb and reject water as well as other chemicals, plays a big role in hard-to-dry hair. The primary reason why your hair takes so long to dry is considered to be because of its high porosity.
Hair takes a long time to dry because it is very fragile and absorbs water like a sponge. The structure of hair shaft also plays a role in how long it takes to dry. Hair is composed mainly of proteins, which are hydrophilic, which means the colors absorb water. The individual strands have a cylindrical shape with lots of little holes or pores.
These pores allow the passage of liquids into the strand and this is important for allowing the blood flow needed to carry nutrients and remove wastes. Water molecules can enter the hair through these pores. The excess water absorbed by hair also makes it heavy, which is important for its mechanical protection against things like sun exposure and head trauma.
Healthy hair has a thicker cuticle layer and is less porous, so it may dry out sooner. Waiting for your hair to dry for about a sixth of your day isn’t the most practical use of your time. Fortunately, there are several things you may take to expedite the process. Suppose you are in a circumstance where you need to dry your hair quickly in either case. We can’t change the passage of time, but we can speed up the drying process.
Does healthy hair dry faster?

Hair with a high porosity structure dries quickly and is unable to retain moisture. Low porosity hair is difficult to completely wet, yet once it is, it takes an eternity to dry outside.
When your hair has low porosity, water and products sit on the surface rather than permeating the strands. Let’s say two girls get out of the water, and one of them has low porosity hair that dries in 25 minutes.
However, if the other girl’s hair takes hours to dry, her hair is high porosity. This can be somewhat perplexing. Because the water rolls off the firmly sealed cuticle of low porosity hair, it appears to dry fast after washing, similar to how a glass plate dries quickly after washing.
What can I do to make my hair dry faster?
There are several ways to make your hair dry faster, and these tricks would help out!
- Make careful to condition your hair while you’re in the shower.
Conditioner not only helps to keep hair healthy, but it also helps to repel water. Coatings in conditioners adhere to your hair, allowing water to glide off instead of being absorbed.
Smooth a leave-in conditioner over your hair if you have curly hair. During the air-drying process, this helps to prevent frizz. Apply some oil to any dry ends if you have fine hair.
- Before getting out of the shower, drain the water
You can begin the drying process even before you exit the shower. After squeezing as much water out of your hair as possible, comb the strands with your fingertips. Fluff your hair to separate the strands—this aids in the drying of your hair.
After you’ve rinsed your hair, try not to get it wet again. As you finish your shower, pin it up or keep it out of the spray. This reduces the amount of water in your hair.
- Make a shaky motion with your hair
Flip your head upside-down once you get out of the shower. For a few minutes, sway your head back and forth. To speed up the drying process, lift the roots with your fingers.
Air flows between the strands when you shake your hair. It dries this way quickly rather than allowing the strands to cling together.
- Using a cloth, blot your hair.
Remove the water from your hair with a towel. Instead of a standard towel, try a microfiber or other extra-absorbent towel. An ordinary towel can promote frizz and breakage in your hair. To absorb moisture, use an absorbent towel. It’s best to get rid of as much water as possible. Make portions with your hair. Squeeze the hair for a few seconds in the towel. Release the tension and proceed to the next stage. As many times as necessary, repeat the blotting process.
Each time you dry a new part, use a different section of the towel. This prevents water from being reintroduced into your hair.
Don’t rub your hair with the towel too hard. Even a microfiber towel can cause harm to the cuticle.
Use a soft cotton shirt or a pillowcase instead of a towel. Cotton will absorb moisture while also protecting your hair. You can also try blotting with paper towels, but if you have long and/or thick hair, you’ll need several—this aids in the reduction of frizz.
- Use a wide-tooth comb to comb your hair.
Brushing wet hair is never a good idea, according to hair experts. Instead, disentangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb, starting at the ends and working your way up to the roots. This helps to keep frizz at bay while also reducing damage to damp hair.
After combing, shake your head or use your fingers to separate the hair strands. To enhance ventilation, keep the strands free.
Comb your hair before or after applying hair care products. You’ll need products in your hair to style it after it’s dry. Curling lotion, anti-frizz serum, or sea-salt spray, according to your needs. Set your portion with the comb. Then refrain from touching anything with your hands.
- Concentrate on the foundations.
Concentrate on the roots rather than the ends when drying your hair. Your hair will dry faster at the ends than at the roots. Remove as much water from the roots as possible to speed up the drying process.
Using your towel, blot or gently squeeze the roots many times. To get closer to the roots, use a smaller towel; a huge towel will not work.
Continuously fluff the roots of your hair. Invert your head and run your fingers into your hair roots. To speed up the drying process, provide as much airflow to the roots as possible.
- Allow to air-dry hair completely.
Allow your hair air dry after blotting out all the water and freeing the strands. How thick your hair, the amount of water you eliminate, and the weather all influence the time it takes for your hair to completely dry.
Flip your head upside down every few minutes if it’s taking too long to dry. This allows air to reach more areas of your hair, resulting in a speedier drying period.
Another approach is to comb your hair every 10-12 minutes with your fingers or a comb. Thicker hair tends to take more time to air dry
- Turban your hair with a towel.
Wrap your hair in a microfibre towel turban when you get out of the shower. While you get ready, eat breakfast, or do other things, leave the hair in the turban. Check your hair in about 10-15 minutes, and it should be almost dry.
Before putting it in the turban, make sure it’s completely dry. Squeeze the water out of the strands gently, then blot away any excess moisture. Wrap it in the turban after that. Rather than purchasing a turban, simply wrap your hair with a microfiber towel.
- Concentrate on the roots
If you haven’t noticed, your hair tends to dry first near the ends (unless your hair is just super wet, in which the water will run down from the roots and to your ends). When blotting your hair, concentrate on the hair from root to assist in speed up the process. Because your sources are usually the last to dry, removing as much water as possible from that area can drastically reduce your drying time.
Is high porosity hair bad?
Hair Porosity is the thickness of hair. It is measured in micrometers. Hair Porosity is important as it helps to determine the health and quality of hair, as well as its length
First and foremost, there are three levels of porosity: low, normal, and high. You can use a porosity test to assess the porosity of your hair by putting a strand into a cup of water; if your hair falls to the bottom, it’s highly porous. It’s low porosity if your hair floats to the top and typical if it just rests in the middle.
If you have high porosity hair like some people, you know how difficult it is to keep it healthy and looking good. When the humidity is high, this hair type frizzes readily, and when the humidity is low, it becomes brittle and lifeless. The rough and porous cuticle structure of high porosity strands enables quick absorption and releases enough moisture into and out of the hair shaft.
Is it bad to sleep with wet hair?

Okay, there’s some truth to the fact that sleeping with damp hair isn’t the ideal method to care for your hair at night. Wet hair loses its structural integrity because the cuticles naturally pull up, making the hair more elastic, fragile, and prone to breaking. There are also concerns about the scalp when sleeping with damp hair, as well as simple cosmetic issues. Sleeping with wet hair could be harmful, but not in the way oldies advised.
To prevent the danger of fungal infections and hair breakage, you should go to bed with totally dry hair.
Because hair is at its weakest while wet, it’s not unexpected that leaving your hair damp while you sleep would result in more breakage—friction from tossing and turning causes the hair to snap more quickly than if it were dry. The most alarming aspect of sleeping with wet hair is that it exposes your hair to breakage, tangling, and split ends. So, if you’re constantly waking up with knotted, frizzy, and brittle strands, you might want to give up the night shower.
Sleeping with wet hair may cause extra tangles and a wacky mane to deal with in the morning. Make a few simple changes to your bath and bedtime routine to decrease potentially damaging friction if you can’t avoid sleeping with damp hair.
Is there a simple technique to determine the porosity of your hair?
A glass of water is one of the simplest ways to determine the porosity of your hair. Here’s how to go about it:
To remove any product buildup, shampoo and rinse your hair.
- Fill a glass halfway with water and set it aside.
Once your hair is dry and clean, drop a single strand into the glass of water.
2. Keep an eye on the strand to watch if it sinks to the bottom or floats to the top of the glass.
The outcomes
- Porosity is low. You probably have low porosity hair if the strand floats at the top before sinking.
- Porosity that is normal: You probably have medium or regular porosity hair if the strand floats in the middle of the glass.
- If the strand sinks swiftly to the bottom, it has a high porosity.
Which hair type dries the fastest?
Porosity has finally captured the fancy of the natural hair movement after a long wait. However, some hair is naturally more absorbent than others. While natural hair textures are becoming more trendy, non-natural hair colours are also becoming more popular. As a result, bleach-induced porosity changes are fairly common in the natural hair community.
When your hair has low porosity, you may be inclined to use a larger amount of product, or more than one hair product at a time, to saturate it.
However, because the cuticles are so close together, no matter how much product you use, it won’t penetrate very far.
Finding products with the proper formulation for low porosity hair is the key. These products will have chemicals that will penetrate your hair more easily.
Another key point to remember is to apply products to wet and warm hair. Heat can lift the hair cuticle, making it easier for oils and moisture to permeate the hair shaft.
How can I dry my hair in 5 minutes?
The following suggestions will assist you in resolving the issue of drying your hair in five minutes:
- Select the appropriate combs.
With a wide-tooth comb, you may expose your hair to greater airflow, allowing it to dry faster. I would recommend using natural boar bristles or brushes with microfiber bristles. These brushes can easily detangle your hair with minimal damage.
- Make use of conditioners.
Even if utilizing hair care products may be one of the causes of slow-drying hair, in the long run, using the correct nourish conditioner is an important step in restoring your hair’s strength and making it easier to dry.
A high-quality conditioner is designed to enhance and provide a balance of hydration and boost moisture in the hair.
- Make use of absorbent towels.
One of the practices that can harm your hair is rubbing your hair with a towel. However, blotting your hair with an absorbent cloth is acceptable. The extra water will be absorbed by an absorbent towel without damaging the cuticle layer.
- Begin at the beginning.
Many people are aware that the roots are the last component of the hair to dry. To save time, start the hair drying process from the hair tops down with a hairdryer or towel, then work your way down to the ends.
- Separate the threads
You won’t get lost if you section your hair with clips, and, believe it or not, you’ll save time! You’ll have more organization and structure, and you’ll be faster, even if you merely divide it in half. Start with the front section, which is the focus point, and then pin it aside.
- Take a seat in the sun.
The heat from the sun will aid in the drying of your hair. While your hair dries, sit outside or go for a stroll if you have the time. Before going outside, be sure to wipe your hair and eliminate any excess moisture. Shake and fluff your hair from the roots. This will aid in the drying process.
You will be able to dry your hair even faster if you do this on a windy day.
Allow the hair to slide down the brush’s surface by angling the hairdryer parallel to the brush. You may achieve a straight poker mane with longevity and gloss by using the narrow nozzle on the end of your hairdryer. A diffuser, on the other hand, promotes natural movement rather than suffocating it.
Blow drying your hair might result in hair damage. Also, while you’re attempting to get ready, it takes longer. Try the various air-drying methods if you want a quick alternative to blowing drying that doesn’t take any longer. You’ll be surprised at how much easier getting ready is once you know how to dry hair rapidly! You’ll have far more time to focus on the important things, and your hairdo may improve as a result.